
A New Chapter: The Spero Clinic Helps CRPS Patient Lou Reclaim Her Life

CRPS is causing constant, debilitating pain for people around the world. Here’s what The Spero Clinic is doing to save lives from this dreadful disease.

“I had absolute plans to kill myself because I just thought this is not a life that I want.”

Statements such as these sound alarming, but the truth is that many patients suffering from Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) end up feeling this way. Why?

Because CRPS, a condition that has crippled some 200,000 Americans, is a condition that will cause constant, debilitating, and excruciating pain throughout the body – pain that won’t go away. And forLou, having served in the military for more than 17 years and been diagnosed with this rare neurological disorder, these pain levels were off the charts.

What is CRPS?

Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) is a chronic disease that often worsens over time. Alarmingly, 35 percent of sufferers eventually report symptoms throughout the body. Traditionally, CRPS is treated by administering a variety of drugs to “kill” or at least suppress the debilitating pain that CRPS causes. Other than painkillers, no traditional treatment exists and according to most physicians, CRPS has no cure.

However, Dr. Katinka van der Merwe who founded and is heading the Arkansas-based The Spero Clinic, has a different opinion. Her approach is to “fix the whole, including its environment, and the parts will take care of themselves.”

Dr. Katinka conducted extensive research to isolate the root cause of CRPS and found that, at the core, CRPS is associated with an imbalance and malfunction of the central nervous system. Given her groundbreaking research into the causes of CRPS, it became clear that a whole new way of treatment was needed to repair and reactivate the central nervous system. And that started the healing process of hundreds of CRPS patients.

Unique Holistic Treatment

Spero’s approach consists of a careful sequence of tests and examinations to determine the exact condition of each patient, which may differ from patient to patient. These tests and exams center around detecting nerve interference affecting the body on a global scale, causing it to malfunction and often causing excruciating, unrelenting daily pain.

Following the tests, treatment commences to repair and reactivate specific nerves, in particular the Vagus Nerve. This is the single most important nerve inside the human body outside of the spinal cord. It is one of twelve pairs of cranial nerves.

According to Dr. Katinka, “I set out on a journey ten years ago that made treating the nervous systems of those suffering fromCRPS not only a part of my life as a chiropractic physician but my passion and my mission.”

Results Matter

Many hundreds of patients have walked through the doors of the Spero Clinic in Arkansas – often crippled by debilitating chronic pain. Many suffered symptoms including lack of movement, inability to walk, and a host of other issues.

More than 90% of those patients walked out of Spero’s door in full remission or completely healed after having gone through intensive treatment. Their stories are often heartbreaking, but with Spero’s unique treatments, they ended in a new chance in life.

Says Lou, “I’ll admit, when I first arrived, I was skeptical about the possibility of healing. But as time went on, I began to realize that recovery wasn’t just a fantasy. It was within reach. Now, I can truly enjoy life again, and I have the skills to take charge of my health moving forward."

For more information about The Spero Clinic, go to www.thesperoclinic.com or call (479) 304-8202.

Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/embed/3_rp6bPkwNg?feature=shared

Media Contact
Company Name: The Spero Clinic
Contact Person: Kaylie Crane
Email: Send Email
Phone: 479-482-0080
Address:22 Colt Square Dr.
City: Fayetteville
State: Arkansas
Country: United States
Website: www.thesperoclinic.com