"The Beast and His Number" is a compendium that was written for the express purpose of compiling more data amongst the readers of those who have a mathematical mind, and who are of a religious nature.
This book shows how to derive the Beast's number, 666, and other relevant numbers pertaining to the number 666. 666 is, of course, the Anti-Christ's numbers, and his rise in today's societies is becoming more prevalent, as prophecy is fulfilled right before our eyes!
The Anti-Christ, or Beast, may not have been born yet, but his influence in today's world societies has become more and more prevalent as his prophecy is fulfilled!
The Beast's number is cleverly hidden on the keypads of calculators and iPhones as a subliminal number that goes directly into the mind of the person who looks upon the keypad! The subconscious mind can add and subtract and can come up with the number 666. Since the subconscious mind accepts this number, the conscious mind tends to accept it as well. It is written in Revelation of the Holy Bible that whoever accepts this number will not be found in the "Lamb's Book of Life", but God's wrath abides on them!
Contained in the pages of this book is some highly controversial subject material! So controversial is the material that dark forces at work in society will want to ban the book!
About the Author
John R. Garay was in the Navy for six years, stationed in Guam. He belonged to the Fleet Ballistic Missile Program. As a 3rd class petty officer, his duties were wide and varied. His job was to see that the Polaris missile was ready to fly.
Garay's education in the Navy was very intensive in electronics, and computer logic. He spent most of his free time on his hobby, which was electronics, until he moved to the Ohio Veterans Home.
"The Beast and His Number (666) On the Calculator: Volume II" is a 510-page hardback with a retail price of $127.00 (eBook $122.00). The ISBN is 979-8-89341-487-5. It was published by RoseDog Books of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. To buy the book, visit our online bookstore at https://rosedogbookstore.com/the-beast-and-his-number-666-on-the-calculator-volume-ii/
Natasha Hlinka
RoseDog Books
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